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LONDON, England

We estimate that there are millions of children waiting for care in the 34 countries where we work. The majority of these children are unable to receive the medical care they need because it is too costly, far away, or specialised. Because of this, being born with a cleft condition can be fatal. If a child survives, they may face bullying and social isolation. Through our expertise in treating cleft lip and cleft palate, we create solutions that deliver safe surgery to people where it’s needed most.

Children deserve access to the very best care available. At Operation Smile that’s what we believe, that’s where we start.

Not every country or community around the world is the same. That’s why we work with local medical professionals, governments, hospitals and other NGOs to create various models of surgical care. Together, we determine which solutions work best in order to reach as many children as possible wherever we work. And we’re going to keep doing this and refining our ... Leggi tutto

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